There’s an art and a science to telling your company’s story. Here’s the formula I’ve used to raise millions in my career, as well as some potentially controversial things I believe about the pitch process (outlined at the end).
Below you’ll find the exact order I’ve used, along with tips for conveying your message and some real life examples. This is my go-to flow. Please steal it:
What We Do
Make a declarative statement about your category and the problem your company solves.
Mostly advice: You should be able to explain it to a five year old.
Key Operating Figures (splash slide)
Hit them over the head with a few of your top metrics. This is meant to serve as a hook to make the audience stick around. You want people to perk up, lean in, and pay attention. Nothing more. You’ll get to how you actually make money later.
Mostly advice: Flash your traction numbers early on - but only give an appetizer. The entrée (financial forecast) should be left towards the end (more to come on that).