This is such a great read CJ. I'm going to do a similar one for Building Legal Teams! You've inspired me!

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You really should write about the evolution of legal teams. Many companies in hyper growth mode would benefit

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Congratulations CJ!

Love your content.

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First of all, CONGRATS!!! You are going to absolutely crush it, and I look forward to the Dad jokes and memes it will inspire you to include in this newsletter.

Second, everything in this blog was insightful and fantastic…and then you ended it with a Vin Diesel quote. Why are you like this? Who hurt you? 😜

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Thanks so much. And Fast and Furious has been a major part of my life.

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Um, I have so many questions, but really only 1 ask - will you please write a blog explaining your relationship with Fast and the Furious…I’m waiting with bated breathe 🍿

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Big congrats!

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Thanks Conor , appreciate the ongoing support

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Awesome to finally see the full lifecycle of finance function development here including headcount growth. Too often, finance teams are starved for headcount because they're far more reasonable than other functions in requesting it in the first place!

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Ha that's so spot on. Being too reasonable results in less headcount for most finance teams. As someone once said "we are cursed, because we see the numbers". It's a burden we must carry.

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how do you define the boulders, pebbles and mountains

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What do you need to keep the lights on

What advances the business and function maturity wise

What would be nice to do as well

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Thanks Sid, give me a shout if there’s ever a topic you want me to cover

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